Engaging the Vision for the New Warneford Park, Oxford

Time: 15:00 - 15:30

Date: 5 June 2024

5-june-2024 15:00 5-june-2024 15:30 Europe/London Engaging the Vision for the New Warneford Park, Oxford

– Outlining the vision to create an outstanding environment for healthcare, research, innovation, and education, achieved with true co production. The presentation will focus on how we have started a complex journey in realising a shared vision and ambitious plans driven by a unique collaboration between an NHS Foundation Trust, the oldest university in the… Read more »

Design in Mental Health


– Outlining the vision to create an outstanding environment for healthcare, research, innovation, and education, achieved with true co production.

The presentation will focus on how we have started a complex journey in realising a shared vision and ambitious plans driven by a unique collaboration between an NHS Foundation Trust, the oldest university in the English speaking work, and a philanthropist.
To create a mental health hospital, offering the best therapies, care, and a therapeutic environment that provides the best opportunity for recovery, co-located with global brain health research facilities and a new post-graduate college that educates future generations of clinicians and researchers.
Demonstrate how we have worked with a number of interested parties across the partnership and how we have sought to engage and achieve true co production.
Sought to achieve leading design and innovation within the built environment of a site that will not only meld Healthcare, research and education but also span 200 years of architecture.
How we have endeavoured to do that sympathetically while also learning important lessons from the past and enhancing the knowledge base for the future. An environment that is ambitious in its aim to vastly improve patient and staff experience and one that will truly promote mental health and wellbeing.
How we are using clinically driven design based on the input from our staff and experts by experience in our plan to develop a new hospital that, if approved, will deliver world-leading care for patients in Oxfordshire and beyond.


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